Panaga Organization

Featured Events

Beds and Pillows Distribution

with the help from EDGE Institute, Haven organization could distribute aids on families of survivors, orphans and those affected by the flooding in late spring. The aid included 70 beds and pillows. Many thanks to EDGE Institute and its generous donors.

” Kids International Day “.

1st, June, Kids International Day! Every child has the right to have fun! Panaga team at Grepan village is making some fun with kids from the village.

” International Women’s Day “

On International Women’s Day, Panaga team highlighted the day. The team spoke of the following points:- Support women and the importance of their role- Promote the women’s role in the community and leadership- Women’s rights The participating women wrote their wishes on the balloon. The wishes included very basic human rights:- Return of their family […]



Panaga Organization

Panaga is an independent, locally run, non-profit, and non-governmental organization that works to develop and provide educational service in KRG in general, in Duhok governorate particularly. The NGO aims to provide resources, humanitarian aid and education service to IDPs mainly and host community in KRG. The organization also works to respond to urgent situation in the region as well as working to develop education sector via education entities, schools and teachers. Together we create chances, we break down barriers. We do education programs for children and youth, community and cultural events where kids and youth interest and talents are supported and encouraged. Panaga started as a part of EDGE Institute, an international American organization based in Washington DC in June, 2016. After with the efforts of educational program manager, Zirak Hameed and a dedicated local staff, Panaga started to operate as a local independent organization in July, 2018.

Our Vision​

Panaga (Haven in English) is an educational organization to serve displaced, poor and marginalized people through education and providing resources. Panaga tries to enable communities to progress through creating chances and building hope for a better future.

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Mon Aug 13 , 2018
Today in Taxi ” Today as I was waiting a taxi to take me to Duhok, the rain was falling abundantly. The two other passengers and me had to wait for …”